Thursday, June 6, 2013



So before I start talking about about everything that's been going out I just wanted to point out the HUGE makeover I did to my blog! It took me a while to figure out how things work but I finally did it! And I can definitely say i'm very proud of the outcome! Also, I really want to use this blog more often, and not just for updates. Maybe some behind the scenes secrets of even short 'doll written' stories about our daily life! If you have any other ideas feel free to leave a comment below! :)

I'm currently still in school until June 20th. I'm in 9th grade right now and in Israel its the last year of middle school. Our school has this tradition that the whole 9th grade puts up a play all by ourselves! We get to write everything, make up the dances, design the sets and everything! I'm working on the sets and I also have an acting role. And, since our play is inspired by Grease, I currently have 'You're the one that I want' stuck in my head :P. I'm having a blast working on everything but we have to stay after school almost everyday until 4pm, which is the main reason why my 'Two Year' video wasn't up on time. trying to get it up as soon as possible, though! Here are some photos from working on the sets:

 Working hard!

 The finished product! 

Sandy's head! LOL, the rest of her body was just scattered all over the room!

I've also been to a 'special event' on Tuesday! I'll have a blog post all about it posted soon so keep an eye out! 

AND (I just felt like I had to talk about it..//) ED SHEERAN AND TAYLOR SWIFT RELEASED A MUSIC VIDEO TO THEIR SONG EVERYTHING HAS CHANGE! I saw it first thing this morning and I was the 100th viewer (yes, yes, the official 100th viewer. Youtube did not get stuck, I know that because there were 72 likes and 56 comments). I actually consider it one of my top accomplishments. 
Being the crazy Ed Sheeran fan I am, I literally couldn't stop crying through the whole thing. My breaking point was seeing daddy Ed. </3 
I just died when he hugged him and touched his perfect ginger hair and now i'm a ghost.
I sat in school on tumblr reblogging and staring at every Ed Sheeran gif I saw. I have proof:

Hope you're having a lovely day,
Mayan xx