Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hey guys!

FIRST I WANTED TO THANK YOU GUTS SO FREAKING MUCH FOR 3000 SUBSCRIBERS!! I really can't start to explain how much your support means to me and even the though of 3000 people watching my videos just seems unreal to me and I'm truly thankful for that. ❤

I'm going to camp this Monday for two weeks, my goal is to get my two year video up before that. I'm working on it right now and things are going pretty well! My bedroom set isn't going to be as accurate as I hoped for but it will do. 
Here's a quick picture of what I'm doing right now:
So yeah that it for this post! Thanks for reading :o)

Monday, July 1, 2013


Hey guys!

I want to start off this post by expressing how sorry I am for not getting my two year video up when I planned. I have literally been so busy, even though its summer. School ended on June 20. I spent the five first days just relaxing, hanging out with my friends and trying to get everything organised for my two year video. When I mean get everything organized I mean, planning out the sets, figure out how I want to build everything, buy supplies, ect. My plan was to start actually working on June 25th, after I had a few days to relax. However, my Mom decided it would be fun join my Dad on a mini "vacation" to Jerusalem while he is staying there for his conference. So, instead of spending my week working on my video, I spent it in Jerusalem. It was nice but, a bit boring to be honest. We just got back yesterday and I went straight to editing the video I made with my friend Keddy (Kgirlz1000 on youtube).

So today I got to work on my video (finally!), and started building the set. I'm actually making it look just like my actual human size bedroom so, thats really exciting! If you want a sneak preview on how I'm hoping its going to turn out, be sure to check out my human videos on SevenGroovyGirls0.
So yeah, i'm really sorry that I'm letting everyone down with this video. I'm really trying my best because I want it to be PERFECT for you guys! I really appreciate all your guys support with it and I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of video response I got. I mean, I was expecting to get like 10 submissions but to get 50? Thats all I could ever hope for. I genuinely can not wait to release this video with you guys <3

(this has nothing to do with what I just wrote but..)
If any of you guys read my last post, you would know that my grade put up a play for the whole school! One of the highlights of the show for me was the Black Light Theatre that we did. If you don't know what a Black Light Theatre is, keep reading and then watch the examples. The costumes were such a big part in it and I felt so proud seeing them on stage.
Here are the dances we did, they actually look better live because the colors are brighter but it still looks awesome on camera:

INFINITY - this was my favorite one! The whole thing was choreographed and performed by the group of guys dancing.

ROPES - these costumes were the hardest to make! We cut the "ropes" out of big pieces of really annoying fabric.

SKELETONS - my really close friend was the one who choreographed it.

My scene was so much! I won't post it because its in hebrew but I was pretty cool ;P

So yeah thats all for this post! Yes, I know I haven't posted about the youtube event I've been to but I'm planning on doing that next. I really can't believe how fast the time has passed since my last post... I hope the whole summer doesn't go like this or I'll be back at school before I notice! 
Hope you're having a fun holiday <3