Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I just came to say hello (oh oh oh).... < yea i dont knoww

I know I haven't been on, or made a video in forever.

I'm honestly so sorry. 
I really dont want to make this a long post where all I do is talk about how everything's changed, and how I'm so busy I dont have time for anything and so on.

I want to write this post to let you guys in on whats been going with me and to hopefully hear what's been going on with you, because I've genuinely missed you guys. 

Ok so let me begin. 
I started High School. (yes, I am 15 and yes, I am in 10th grade. In Israel High School is from 10th-12th grade). I have to say that I'm lovin' it (mcdonalds. i'm hungry.)! I have made so many awesome new friends, and i'm still meeting new people everyday. My favorite classes are Film and Economics. Hahah yeah i know Economics sounds super boring but I find it really fun (I know, such a geek. I get it from my dad). 
and now Film, I started out hating it. (i know right?!!!!!!!!!) Why? I'm not quit sure. I think it was the transition between hiding my passion and talent (i guess i can call it that) for so long, and to all of a sudden do it in school and showcase my assignments in front of the whole class to see. I was really stressed out and afraid of disappointing myself. I waited to film my One Take until the very last minute and was nervous about showing it in class (you'd probably think that after nearly reaching 100K views on my Kanani's Epic Vacation! video, a class of 27 kids would be no problem butttt). I was so surprised by the positive feedback I got, yet I didn't feel 'complete' (whooo, we're getting deep here!). The people who choose to watch my videos we're missing. The ones I choose to make content for. I guess, what i'm trying to say here, is the I miss the relationship I have you (yeah YOU, the one reading this right now!). 

Youtube is such a big part of my life that I love and don't want to lose, even if making doll videos is a bit hard for me right now (should I make a post and explain why? I dont want to bore you.. let me know). That being said, I want to upload and make more videos. I honestly have no idea when i'm going to find the time since I get back at like 5:00pm with a ton of school work (OK I'M LYING. I can find the time, its possible.) but i'll try. 
I want to upload a photoshoot.
I want to finish the music video I started with XxXAGforeverXxX.
I want to make more Hunger Games videos.
I want to film the series I have planned.
I want to make the Harry Potter stop motion I have planned.

I want to make my dream perfect stop motion music video.

guys you honestly have no idea how many videos I have planned. I just never get around to filming them.

I have a feeling this turned into the post I didn't want it to become.

ok, i love you, feel free to post (or comment on my channel/inbox me/whatever you can think of) anything from questions to tacos (I should really go and eat somthing) below and I WILL see you laterrr 
byeee <3