Saturday, January 26, 2013


Hi guys!! 

First off I just wanted to thank you for getting me to 16OO! You are the best! <3333
Secondly, I thought i'd let you guys know what I've been planning for the past week.... An AGSM MOVIE!
I'm so excited about it! I wrote half the script and I have the rest all planed out. I'm hoping to get it out as soon as possible (which shouldn't really be a problem since I only have one set to build).
Thanks for reading and I LOVE YOU GUYS!
btw, about the Harry Potter stop motion, I'm putting it aside until after I finish the movie. I'm just super excited about it and I cant wait to work on it. The HP I'll make the HP SM as soon as i'm done with the movie, I promise :)

Byeeee ;)

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